About the piece:
The idea is to point to the river. The point is to encourage people to get into the Yahara River parkway to find the art, watch the Fools’ Flotilla floating parade, and to enjoy the varied landscapes of our urban river. The hope is that lots of people will be talking about the Mighty Yahara this summer.
Becker has asked neighbors, friends and anyone who is willing, to host a sign. The simple wooden signs will be made en-masse in my garage and I’m encouraging hosts to make their own. Each sign will have the exact distance from the front yard to the Yahara River. Hosts can download an app, or use a pedometer, to figure the distances out themselves. So, as a project, it’s meant to be inclusive, inspiring, and interactive.
It’s also cheap advertising, of course.

About the artist:
I am a photographer, writer, and maker of many things. The common thread is a non-stop flood of ideas, most of them centered on living well, fully embracing life, enjoying urban community, nurturing a happy home, and making each day a creative expression. I love to travel, seek out trees and flowers, and have a dedicated spiritual practice. This project, including curating the exhibition of temporary works in the Yahara River parkway and the building of this website, has been a collaborative effort and a lot of fun. I also work part-time for the Wisconsin Humanities Council, where I coordinate statewide programs and manage the digital program communications.